Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 34 ( A Travel day) Page, AZ - Durango, CO 271.5 miles, New Total = 6863.7 miles

Today we're driving to Southern Colorado to meet my son Craig who is temporarily living there.  Our trip will take us through the heart of the Navajo Nation Reservation and just South of Monument Valley.  Our intermediate destination is The Four Corners. The intersection of the states of Utah, Arizona, Colorado & New Mexico. This is the only place in the US where the borders of 4 states cross at one point.  Again much of the land we are traveling through is desert, but the flora changes with the altitude.
low desert scrub

scrub size increases with altitude

We reached The Four Corners at just about lunchtime and spent about an hour taking some photos and viewing the many Navajo vendors who were selling native american crafts.
(4) Travelers in (4) States

We had a particularly enriching experience talking with one young Navajo who was selling handmade arrows and other native weapons.  He turned out to be a medicine man, in training under the leadership of his grandfather who was in his mid nineties. He was told that his grandfather performed a ritual on him when he was a baby to put him on this path. He explained that although most white men and navajos believe the Dineh  is the name for the navajo people, that the true meaning is all of they who walk upright upon this earth who have 10 fingers & toes.  His grandfather told him his role as a medicine man as such, was to serve all peoples regardless of the color of their skin.

As I said our talk was very enriching.  After lunch we motored on into Colorado.  About 10 miles later I had my 2nd minor mechanical problem of the trip. My generator exhaust pipe separated from the generator and was dragging on the roadway.  I heard it almost immediately and pulled over and was able to unbolt it from its hanger and we were on our way in less than 10 minutes.  We haven't had the need to use the generator on the whole trip so i may not reinstall it until we get home.

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