Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 30 (A sightseeing day ) Visiting Grand Canyon  113.7 miles,  New Total = 6,068.2 miles
We all climbed into the PleasureWay for a short drive to the Park.  Most all travel inside the Park is by Shuttle Bus. A stop at the Imax theater in Tusayan proved a great idea.  Arrived at the Park at about 10:30.  Proceeded to the Shuttle Bus to the Village quickly and then xfered to the Red Line for a tour of the SW side of the Park. First stop to really view the canyon was at The John Wesley Powell Memorial.  As in pst visits, your first impression is jaw dropping.
View from the South Rim

You cannot really anticipate the immensity and scale.  Powell was the first recorded white man to fully traverse the Canyon on the Colorado River.  As always pictures cannot capture the grandeur of this place.

We stopped at most all the stops on this side of the canyon and jointly concluded that if it was at all possible we would rent the Hermit's Rest for a month and we could find the most relaxing, mind expanding solitude there might be possible on earth.

Returned to the Village ( where the Hdqtrs and hotels are located) for some lunch at about 2PM.  We then set our plan to due the East side and the Desert Watchtower the next morning on our way North. After more viewing of the Canyon behind the Lodges we caught our shuttle back to our parking lot and arrived back to the campground (after some food shopping) about 7PM.
El Tovar Lodge & Hotel

Oh yeah, we saw 3 Elk feeding by the side of the road as we left the Park.

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